Sunday, 17 October 2010

Frieze Art Part I

Me and my sister went for Frieze Art Fair for 2 different reasons. She needed to  find an Artist to bring him or her to event in Moscow ( it was her business trip to London) and I went there to found new names, inspiration and subjects for my blog. 

At our first day on Frieze Art, we've been watching EVERY single work. Exhibition was huge and full of...Trash. It was something like 75% of absolutely awful works, 10% of absolutely amazing works and 15%  of 'medium'. 
First of all, I would like to explain why those 75% was awful. Maybe, there would be people that say that they are amazing.  I cannot understand why works such as Angela's De la Cruz 'Stuck'  named as 'genial'?
 Yes, I can say that maybe this is very creative, extraordinary, stylish but not 'genial'. For me, genial is something that you won't be able to repeat, and one million people as well. However the only thing I think about when I see those works (like huge white canvas and one small yellow dot on it) is 'I can do it as well. ' Yes, I am not doing it. That's why those authors are 'creative'. They really developing EVERY idea in their head. Well, it is theirs right. They will have viewers that will adore it and somebody that would never like it. I think that this is the main idea of the arts. This is the contemporary art.
Well, now let's talk about positive sides. I was absolutely amazed by Anish Kapoor's works.  Unfortunately, all of them are Untitled, so you should 'enjoy' my own photos :)
Anish Kapoor Untitled 2010
(fibreglass and lacquer)

Anish Kapoor Untitled 2010
(fibreglass, nickel and gold plate)

I am absolutely adore these works. Especially first one which me and my sister named 'bath' or 'infinity'.
Other works that inspired me and those that I really like :
Gretchen Faust
'Mudka 9'

Paul Chan
Untitled 2007

Gelltin 'Flower Painting"

Tomas Saraceno
'Hydrogen Cloud Explosion'

Tomas Saraceno
'Hydrogen Cloud Explosion'

Robert Longo 'B-58 Hustler'

Erwin Wurm 'Mr.Mutt'
( My trousers:)))))

Jack Pierson
'The Night'

I don't know the author

Stas Volyaslovsky (Russian)

cucumber exhibition

Didn't find the name of author

Real contemporary art :)

That's it for today.

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