Wednesday 8 December 2010

Award-winning identities from Cannes Lions 2010

Episteme Skincare, Bronze

Dentsu Kansai of Osaka, Japan created an identity for
Rohto Pharmaceutical’sEpisteme line of luxury skincare products.

 I find this work very aesthetic, however it is a little bit not clear what is what. The only thing I can say for sure is that overall view is very beautiful!

Nook, Bronze

R/GA in New York came up with the name and designed the identity for Nook,
Barnes & Noble’s first e-reader.

AOL, Bronze

New York’s Wolff Olins created a memorable rebrand for AOL,
distancing the brand from its former American Online days.


House of Cards, Gold

Leo Burnett along with Pentagram in the UK designed the identity for House of Cards,
a campaign for UK’s housing and homeless charity Shelter.

 This is good. Cards symbols always has a magic effect on me. And also I really like comparison between homeless and cards. Interpret it as you like!

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